In the BR bridle collection you will certainly find a bridle for your horse. Check out this extensive range of bridles for every discipline. For dressage, BR has bridles with a wide crank noseband, a drop noseband or a Weymouth bridle. We also have different models for show jumping riders, such as a Mexican bridle or bridles with a flash noseband.
All bridles have in common that they are comfortable for your horse. The bridles are made of high-quality, soft, supple leather that molds to the horse's head. Many models are anatomically shaped and softly padded which provides better pressure distribution and more space for the ears or the bit rings.
The BR bridles are sold without reins, so you can choose the rein you like the most. If you can't find the perfect bridle for your horse, you can mix and match the bridle yourself! BR has a wide choice of separate browbands, nosebands, cheek pieces, etc.